Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Family and Religion Influence on People Essay - 1602 Words

Family and Religion: Influence on People If you asked people to describe their families, some would describe single-household families, some would describe stepfamilies, some would describe gay or lesbian or adoptive families and many would describe divorced families. The word family has become a diverse institution it is very difficult to give it a meaning. In a wide sense especially in the biological sciences the term family refers to a group of individual beings linked by blood relations, having a whole line of ancestors and descendants. Aristotle defines the family as a community designed to attend to the basic and permanent needs of the household such as clothing food and shelter. In the past decades the traditional family†¦show more content†¦Before industrialization, work was done from home. But with industrialization, paid labor was done mainly away from home in marketplaces and factories. Families continue to be influenced by social structural forces. Especially f or some families that particularly rely on all the members of the household to work to meet the economical needs of the household. The ability to create and sustain nuclear family is linked to the political, economic and racial organization of society. How do new family forms emerge? Is the family a source of stability or change in society? These are types of questions sociological theories of the family. Functionalist Theory defines family as filling particular social needs, these social needs include providing care for family member, giving psychological support and emotional security to individuals and regulating in sexual activity to reproduce new members. Families exist mainly to meet these needs and ensure consent of values in society. In the functionalist framework, family is gestated as a beneficial exchange. The women receive protection, sexual support and economic support. At the same time, men in traditional marriages get the service that women provide, nurturing, foodser vice, household maintenances and sexual partnership . The theory also looks at the family to provide for the children. They children should be taught the values that family and society support.Show MoreRelatedIs Religious Diversity And Religious Influence Good Or Bad For Our Nation?1455 Words   |  6 Pagesreligious influence good or bad for our nation ? This is a complicated and complex question that causes frequent arguments because it has both negative and positive effects. In my opinion, I think religious diversity and influence are great things for the United States and any country for that matter as a nation. I say this because without religious diversity where would we be today? A religiously diverse nation is one that values the difference in people. 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